In our ESG Quick Takes podcast hosted by Isabel Verkes we feature experts from various backgrounds; getting the Quick Take on specific topics that captured our attention related to sustainable finance, climate and business.
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For our first Quick Takes, we look into how we talk about climate change, and how that changed over time. This week’s guest is Marian Chertow, Professor of Industrial Environmental Management at Yale University. Prior to Yale, Professor Chertow spent ten years in environmental business and state and local government including service as president of a bonding authority that built a billion dollars worth of waste infrastructure. Professor Chertow and her research team are working together with the World Bank on an open data platform to promote opportunities for the reuse of waste material and other resources.

Mark Zurack teaches investing courses at Columbia Business School, and Cornell University, including ESG investing. Prior to this, Zurack worked at Goldman Sachs for 18 years where he started Goldman’s equity derivatives business and led its international expansion. His capital markets background gives him an interesting take on ESG, which we discuss in this podcast.
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