Arabesque Board Member

Arabesque has been built with a spirit of collaboration, and it is people that make our partnership.


The Arabesque

Dr. Gavin Cheung & Dr. Ngoc Vu
Associate, AI Research

Our Culture

From day one, Arabesque has been built with a spirit of collaboration, and it is people that make our partnership. Although we are united in our vision to take sustainable finance into the mainstream, we are diverse in where we come from, the languages we speak, and the experiences we have gained. Arabesque is a truly global organization, reflecting the broad array of clients we serve across capital markets. With an open and transparent culture, we take pride in creating an environment where each and every member of the team has the platform to achieve their dreams. It is this diversity of people and ideas – combined with a strong ethos of working together – that drives innovation and performance at the Arabesque Group.

Our Culture